
Fetches data from the Eurostat API and persists it into an Elasticsearch database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Elastify Eurostat

Fetches data from the Eurostat API and persists it into an Elasticsearch database.


Node 6 or later with NPM.
See https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/ or https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/.


  1. Create the configuration file .elastify-eurostatrc, use .elastify-eurostatrc-example as a template.
  2. Add your Elasticsearch credentials to the configuration.
  3. Install Node dependencies with $ npm install.
  4. Run the script with $ npm start.

Prepare elasticsearch cluster

For elastic cloud: Create a cluster. Create roles and users to push data, and to read data Precreate the index with a mapping, else the year won't be a date.

node create_idx_mapping.js node push_data_citizens.js

Add Kibana to your cluster. Create index pattern. Create visualisations.

The scripts are helpers and have to be edited manually.

If you have to rerun:

  • list indexes with curl -u user:password https://host:port/_cat/indices
  • delete your index with node delete_idx.js and start over.

If you want to see the data, no elasticsearch:

  • node log_citizen_data.js | less

to get all citizen codes (citizen.dic)

wget 'http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/estat-navtree-portlet-prod/BulkDownloadListing?sort=1&file=dic%2Fen%2Fcitizen.dic'

return 3706 codes