
Repositorio con ReactJS sobre ecommerce para curso coderhouse

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I am a Full Stack Developer; my knowledge extends beyond code...

Tienda Coder - CoderHouse Final Project

Tienda Code is a fictitious online store created to showcase the skills acquired during the CoderHouse React course. The store includes a color palette, animations, a special offer countdown, category filtering, card rendering, product details, user login and registration through Firebase, and a shopping cart. Designed with Tailwind CSS and React.js Vite. View Demo


Highlight functionality

  • Add Product to Cart
  • CRUD functionality
  • FireBase functionality and resources
  • Limited-time offer
  • List Product
  • Login and Registration
  • Pre-visualize Cart
  • Product Details

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Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux, TailwindCSS

Server: Firebase