
Full Stack Project: Basecamp Clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DeskLamp is an app for teams of people to track tasks and communicate across their company, team, or projects. It is modeled after the website Basecamp.

  • DeskLamp provides users with a modular set of tools to manage tasks across all levels of a company

Splash Screen

DeskLamp Live

Technologies Used


  • Ruby on Rails was used for the Model and Controller part of MVC handling data from a Postgres database
  • The Rails setup provided a lot functionality by default making it simple to build models with validations and assocations
  • Jbuilder was used to build JSON responses that are being sent to the React / Redux frontend for rendering
  • BCrypt is used to securely store user passwords by salting and hashing the passwords before saving them to the database
  attr_reader :password
  def password=(password)
    @password = password
    self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(password)

  def is_password?(password)

  def self.find_by_credentials(email, password)
    user = User.find_by(email: email)

    if user && user.is_password?(password)
      return user
    return nil

  def ensure_session_token
    self.session_token ||= generate_session_token

  def reset_session_token
    self.session_token = generate_session_token

  def generate_session_token


  • React was used for building all of the views rendered in the browser
  • Alongside React, Redux was used to manage the App's state
  • Jbuilder made it easier to keep the state flat so complicated logic was not needed for retrieving data within the state


  • DeskLamp is stored in a repository on GitHub and was deployed to Heroku for production

How It Works

  1. Users just need to click sign up to setup an account that requires a valid email, name, and password.
  2. A company must be created t which will serve as the default landing page for a user. This then generates a default company hub.
  3. From there the user will have access to all of the task tracking features. Like posting to a message board and creating to-do lists

Hub Home


  • Linking Users to Organizations
    • I had to create a joins table linking users to organizations because they share a many-to-many relationship
    • When a user creates an organization the organization controller creates an entry in my joins table between the user and organization