- 2
How do i increase the Glow Color Width?
#5 opened by ravitejaaketi - 3
- 5
Artifact in the material border
#14 opened by abbana - 1
Occluding the glow?
#15 opened by deeje - 4
Crashing 'renderPipelineState must be set'. Attribute 0 incompatible with MTLStepFunctionPerPatchControlPoint.
#11 opened by smuravev - 1
Glow doesn't move with animated object.
#2 opened by okaris - 7
Doesn’t work with ARSCNView
#1 opened by okaris - 5
How to change the glow color?
#3 opened by yijiasu - 0
Doesn't work with lights
#13 opened - 10
- 0
Doesn't work in iOS 12
#10 opened by lingluonuv - 2
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