
Usos básicos de la librería networkx para implementar grafos

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Networkx Guide.

Networkx Guide is a Jupyter Notebook where I summarize my experience working with the Networkx library for managing networks in Python.


Table of contents.

  • Main: configuration and use of the Networkx library.


This project requires the installation of the following external dependencies:

  • Jupyter 1.0.0 ($ pip install jupyter)
  • Networkx 2.3 ($ pip install networkx)

These units can be installed separately or they can be installed by executing a single instruction in the terminal:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


This repository is open source; which means that anyone interested can contribute to it. All contributions are welcome, including

  • Spelling corrections.
  • New figures.
  • Python code fixes, including style improvements.
  • Better examples.
  • Better explanations.
  • Conceptual error corrections.

The way to contribute is via the GitHub web interface, through Pull requests, or reporting the problems/bugs of the repository by Issues.

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