
basic kubernetes health monitoring

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khealth is a Kubernetes cluster monitoring suite. Its Routines exercise Kubernetes subsystems and send events to Collectors. Collectors collate these events to compute current cluster state. Cluster status is available from Collectors over a simple HTTP API, which is served on a cluster nodeport in the example below.

Quick start

If you have a kubernetes cluster, you can deploy khealth.

cd khealth/
kubectl create -f ./contrib/k8s/khealth-ns.yaml
kubectl --namespace=khealth create -f ./contrib/k8s/khealth-rc.yaml
kubectl --namespace=khealth create -f ./contrib/k8s/khealth-service.yaml

This will create a nodeport service which exposes the following status endpoints.

Command NodePort
rcscheduler 31337


A khealth Module is a single command that invokes a set of Routines and a single Collector. The Collector gathers events from the Routines and exposes metrics on its status endpoint.

Directory Layout


This is where the Module entrypoint programs live. Each Module should have exactly one main package in an eponymous directory beneath cmd/.


Routines are defined in structures that implement the RoutineHandler interface.

type RoutineHandler interface {
  Init() error
  Poll() error
  Cleanup() error

Init is called, and then Poll in a loop. When the TTL expires, Poll terminates, and Cleanup is called. Each iteration of this cycle generates events, which are sent on the Routine's Events channel, usually to a Collector.

The NewRoutine function returns a pointer to a khealth Routine struct. It takes the following arguments:

  • client: the Kubernetes API client
  • pollInterval: how often (in seconds) Poll is called
  • podTTL: how many seconds to loop on Poll before calling Cleanup
  • handler: the RoutineHandler for this routine


type Collector interface {
  Start() error
  Status(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
  Terminate() error

Collectors must implement the Collector interface and make use of Routines. To wire Routines to a Collector implementation, follow this general pattern:

  • Start : Call Start on all routines this collector uses. Then begin reading events from each routines' Events channel and collating current state.
  • Status: Serialize current state to HTTP response.
  • Terminate: Call SignalTerminate on each routine. SignalTerminate is non-blocking, so before returning you'll want to block until each Routine's Events channel has emitted a nil value. That way, when Terminate returns you can be assured your Routines have all cleaned up.

Included Modules


This module uses a single routine which schedules/unschedules pause pods via a replication controller. The program exposes a single health endpoint which reports the state of the latest event.


  • More routines: We want routines that do everything! Test network latency. Write to disk. Compute fibonacci sequences.

  • Prometheus integration: Collectors expose Prometheus-compatible status endpoints and metrics, providing readymade infrastructure to aggregate statistics from a set of canary pods, designed specifically to exercise Kubernetes cluster resources.

  • Alerting: Use the experimental alertmanager to alert on metrics

Who should use this?

Cluster administrators: Gain insight into your Kubernetes cluster's performance. Monitor health endpoints which report on various testing routines.

Kubernetes developers: A convenient way to "smoke test" a cluster. Feel free to write Modules that exist solely to torture test a cluster and have no business running on the same cluster as production assets. And turn the replica count way up!