
Saas. Laravel Multi-tenant with Postgres. Reference: https://github.com/pacuna/Laravel-PGSchema

Primary LanguagePHP

Multi-tenant Application (Software-as-a-Service)

Laravel Multi-tenant with Postgres.


git clone this repository and cd inside the project root, then enter the following commands

  1. composer install --prefer-dist -vvv (might take a while to complete)

  2. cp .env.example .env

  3. php artisan key:generate

    Now open .env file and make necessary changes to the DB_ section.

    Yes, of course, you'll have to setup a database and it's user already before the next step! Otherwise, exactly what settings were you going to put in the DB_ section of the .env file?

  4. php artisan migrate

  5. php artisan db:seed

  6. php artisan serve ain't gonna work in this case. You need to Virtual Host server name in term of Apache or Server Blocks in terms of Nginx

Note: server name should be same as .env file APP_URL section

Please Note

This software uses the Laravel framework.

Currently, Laravel 5.4 is being used.

If you are getting any error, it is most probably due to unfulfilled requirements of the framework itself.

Also, make sure that you have postgres database installed and proper driver php-pgsql package so that you can use postgres database with php7.1 in your project.
