
project01-ghummongo created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageVue

Review Assignment Due Date

Group name : Ghummongo

Website :


Contributors :

  1. Phiriyakorn Maneekongrit 642115031 https://github.com/ph1r1 (ph1r1)
  2. Sorawee Sripakdeepongdej 642115045 https://github.com/veevism (veevism)
  3. Thanapong Yamkamol 642115022 https://github.com/ThanapongYamkamol642115022 (ThanapongYamkamol642115022)


ph1r1: UX/UI design, Tailwind CSS veevism: Store management ThanapongYamkamol642115022: Manage db.json

Checklist :

  1. Data Structure ( Mock ) :
  • Student Data
  • Teacher Data
  1. Admin Functionalities :
  • Ability to add student data
  • Ability to view a list of all students
  • Ability to create advisor details
  • View student list and click on a student's name to route to student details:
  • Student Detail Page :
    • Student
    • Teacher
    • Student and Teacher Profile images
  • Comments section where admin can enter comments given by the teacher to the student
  1. Storage and State Management :
  • Save comments to Pinia
  • Save student and teacher data to Pinia
  1. User Interface :
  • Student list
  • Teacher list
  • Add student page
  • Add teacher page
  1. Deployment and Version Control :
  • Set up automated Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Deploy the application on Firebase
  • Store the codebase on a Github Repository
  1. README.md :
  • Specify group name
  • Detail all group members
  • Include the URL of the deployed website