

Primary LanguageHTML


This directory is customized contents from the blender_docs SVN repository.


Currently, this repository is for testing:

  • to make the steps how to make i18ned documentation workflow.


Do not commit files to original BF documentation repogitory from this repo.

Translation steps for blender-manual

(on OS X 10.10 & Python 2.7)

below is a sample for adding 'ja' locale. you can try translation to your own Sphinx project.







pot files


po files(ja)


html files(en)


html files(ja)



BUILDDIR = build

Install sphinx-intl package

After installation blender manual steps, IInstall sphinx-intl package for translation


$ pip install sphinx-intl

Download/Update from svn

Run a svn command to download files from svn repository.

$ cd ~/GitHub/
$ svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-manual/trunk/blender_docs

Edit Configuration files

Change locale directory and gettext option in manual/conf.py

locale_dirs = ['../build/locale/']   # path is example but recommended.
gettext_compact = False     # optional. 

Chanege output folder in Make file

all: FORCE
    # './' (input), './html/en' (output)
    $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(SPHINXOPTS) ./manual $(BUILDDIR)/html/en
    @echo "firefox" $(shell pwd)"$(BUILDDIR)/html/en"

Bluld POT files

after add 'gettext' target , run make gettext command.

$ cd ~/GitHub/blender-manual_i18n
$ sphinx-build -b gettext ./manual ./build/locale/pot

Update message file

To sync messages to ja locale, run the command

$ cd ~/GitHub/blender-manual_i18n
$ sphinx-intl update -d ./locale/ -p ./build/locale/pot -l ja

Translate it

You can translate message text (.po file ).


#: ../manual/contents.rst:3
msgid "Blender Manual contents"
msgstr ""


#: ../manual/contents.rst:3
msgid "Blender Manual contents"
msgstr "Blenderマニュアルコンテンツ"

Build i18ned html

Bulid mo files:


please make sure if current directory is "~/GitHub/blender-manual_i18n" before run these commands.

$ sphinx-intl build -d ./build/locale/

Bulid html files(ja)

$ sphinx-build -D language='ja' -b html ./manual ./build/html/ja

Bulid html files(en)

$ make all

Template customize


This is temporarily change to access two language page.


<li>{{ title }}</li>
  <li class="wy-breadcrumbs-aside">
    <a href="{{ url_root +'../en/contents.html' }}"> [EN]</a> | 
    <a href="{{ url_root +'../ja/contents.html' }}"> [JA]</a> | 


Japanese Translation Sample


Blender-Manual is Blender's official project to provide the user with a clear, concise and up-to-date description of Blender's functioning in the current version.

Complementary projects are the Python API as a reference, StackExcange for question answering and Blender Cloud for training.

Project Status

There are some left over TODOs from the MediaWiki migration and sections on the process of being reviewed. See also the current open tasks and the section overview

Building the Manual

See install.rst for how to build and the Getting Started section for an explanation on the full workflow and other tips.