
Static boilerplate that uses Twig

Primary LanguageSCSS

Quick start

  • npm install -g gulp or yarn global add gulp (Skip if you already have gulp installed)

  • npm install or yarn (Install dependencies)

  • composer install (Install composer dependencies)

  • git config core.hooksPath .githooks (Change git hooks path)

  • gulp php or npm run dev or yarn dev (Run dev environment)

Available gulp tasks

gulp build - compile production ready files (minified & autoprefixed)
gulp php - (default task) run the server and watch for files changes
gulp proxy - run BrowserSync proxying a local url, you need to modify browserSyncProxy setting
gulp compile - build the full website using the twig to html compiler.

Compile Twig to HTML

php html-compiler.php


  • --url= - the url or path of the website. Default is ''.
  • --template-url= - the url or path of the template. Default is the same as the url.
  • --output-dir= - where to output the compiled html files. Deafult is public.
  • --page-in-subfolder= (bool) - set to true if you would like each page to be placed in a subfolder, example public/about/index.html instead of public/about.html.

DEV Environment

Page Preview

http://localhost:3000/[page-file-name]/ Ex: http://localhost:3000/example/

Component Preview

http://localhost:3000/component/[component-file-name]/ Ex: http://localhost:3000/component/c-example/



A demo-links.html file is generated on each push https://[branch-name]-[repository-name].01.dvsb1.com/demo-links.html.

Username: ****
Password: ****

Code Formating

To keep the code style consistent between developers please run git config core.hooksPath .githooks to setup the pre-commit hook or yarn format before each commit.

Created by Lab19.