Inspired by Bionic Reading, this Bookmarklet modifies a webpage to display the first half of each word in bold. Can also be installed as a Chrome Extension. Works on essentially any webpage!
If you're having trouble, we have pictures explaining each step here.
- Open "readable_text.js"
- Click "Copy Raw Contents" button, which looks like Two Squares
- Create a new Bookmark named "Reading Helper" (or name it something else if you want!)
- In the URL, paste what you copied
- Save the Bookmark
- When you want to use it, click the Bookmark and it will convert the page
- Click the green Code button above, then click "Download ZIP"
- Unzip the file literally anywhere
- Open Chrome Extensions
- In the upper right, turn on developer mode
- Click "Load Unpacked"
- Select the folder, it should load as Reading Helper extension
- Go to the upper right and click the puzzle piece to show the extension (which will look like a Grey Square with a White R)
- When you want to use it, click the Extension button and it will convert the page
- vonrosceau's Bookmarklet:
- TorpedoRead:
- ansh's Chrome Extension:
- vzekharov's Chrome Extension:
- axoletlmusic's Not Bionic Reading Webpage:
- 100L5's Webpage:
- abenrob's Webpage:
- Official Bionic Reading Test Page: (TXT, RTF, RTFD, EPUB or DOCX; online reader)
- TorpedoRead (not yet released): (Supposedly will support EPUB and PDF converters)
- GPFSimon's Word Document Macro: (DOCX; works in word application)
If anyone wants to fork this and actually upload it to the Chrome Dev store, please go for it! This was the work of 3 hours, has many issues, and isn't something I plan to refine much. I'd be quite happy if someone else took it and made something better! (This entire extention is ~100 lines of text, it's EASY to modify.)
5/22 1.3.0
- TL;DR add support for some unusual webssites, like EPUB readers
- Add iframe documents to traversal
5/22 Rewrite 2
- TL;DR no longer breaks dynamic pages
- No longer processes invisible tags, like style and meta
- No longer processes whitespace individually
- No longer recreates breaks buttons and interactables
- Now also works as a Bookmarklet
5/22 Rewrite 1
- TL;DR catchs text across the entire page, breaks fewer things
- Runs against all elements on the page, rather than a subset
- No longer avoids full sentences if they contain another format tag
- No longer breaks links
- No longer processes script tags
- Initial Release