# Simple Echo by Oscar Sanchez This project contains a simple talker and listener program that, given a message, will talk to a port through a host, and send a message that will be picked up by the listener program and echoed back. ## Installation The project is in C; I've included a simple Makefile, so to install it, just run "make" in the directory. Note: This won't work on Windows, because I'm using the linux libraries and not winsockets. Though if you'd like to run this in windows, just change the library used at the top of the talker.c and listener.c files. ## Usage ```bash talker [-v] -p port -h host message listener [-v] -p port ``` ## Description `listener` binds to the given UDP port, listens for a packet and echos it back to the source port and source IP. talker sends the given message in a UDP packet to the given port and host, then listens for a packet on port that its socket was bound to. It prints out the contents of the returned packet to stdout. The verbose option (-v) will have the listener and talker print to stdout the source and destination port and IP of the packets that arrive. ## Example Use On one terminal: `$ listener -v -p 8080` On a second terminal: `$ talker -v -p 8080 -h localhost 'Hey there, coder!'`