
:whale: Docker container with rosbridge server

Primary LanguageShell


This container is intended to run on demand containers, primarily to play rosbags

But is possibly to use it in other applications.


This container look in the root for a catkin_ws and source it.

Create a new catkin_ws

One way to storage a catkin_ws is create a ros data-container and initialize a workspace (later you are able to make backups of the data container)

docker run -v /catkin_ws --name ros-ckws-data ros:kinetic 

And then initialize the workspace in a new container:

docker run -it --volumes-from ros-ckws-data ros

Run on demand containers

For example, you are able to play a rosbag, and then rosbridge will publish the topics

docker run -it --rm --volumes-from ros-ckws-data -v myRosbagFilesPath:/rosbag -w /rosbag rosbridge rosbag play -l whatever.bag