• 👋 Hi, I’m @sksalahuddin2828
  • 👀 I’m interested in to learning something new with creativity...
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Python in Stanford University California United States

Typing SVG


Pythonly - A Pythonic Journey


Welcome to Pythonly, a repository dedicated to all things Pythonic! Here, we explore the depths of Python programming and its various applications. From beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced techniques, we've got you covered.

This repository is designed for Python enthusiasts, students, and developers who want to enhance their skills and knowledge of the language. With a focus on practical examples and real-world scenarios, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Python and its capabilities.

Pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language. Pandas is a Python library.

Check out our Pandas home page for more information.

Property Data
Language / IDE Python Badge Pycharm Badge Python Badge JavaScript VS Code React TypeScript Nextjs SCSS Java NodeJS C++
Domain Knownledge Machine Learning Badge Computer Science Development Badge Software Development Badge Electrical Engineering Development Badge
CI / CD Git GitHub Markdown Badge FileZilla
Databases MySQL SQL Postgresql
OS Windows Ubuntu
Tools & Platform Google Colab OpenCV HTML5 CSS3 Django REST framework Nginx Flask Redis SqlAlchemy Jest Badge
Machine Learning / Deep Learning frameworks PyPi Conda NUMFocus Coverage Imports: isort Slack Azure pipelines status Scikit-learn PyTorch TensorFlow
A learning and team-building exercise Deploy CodeQL

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Sk. Salahuddin's github activity graph

Sk. Salahuddin GitHub Stats Python
Sk. Salahuddin's GitHub stats Sk. Salahuddin's GitHub top programming languages

Table of Contents
Getting Started Python Badge JavaScript Java C++
Installation IDE PyCharm VS Code
Hello World
Variables and Data Types
Control Structures
Conditional Statements
Functions and Modules
Built-in Functions
Creating Functions
Importing Modules
Object-Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Inheritance and Polymorphism
File Input and Output
Reading Files
Writing Files
Advanced Topics
Regular Expressions
Code of Conduct


Python is released under the MIT License.

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