
lIferay 7 ce widfly bundle docker image

Primary LanguageShell

Docker image for Liferay v7.x bundeled with wildfly and PostgreSQL 10

The project will build a docker image with up and running Liferay 7.x distribution. The image include :

  • PostgreSQL 10 database

  • JDK installation from provided tar.gz

  • Liferay installation from provided Liferay-portal-wildfly-x bundle zip archive

Note : The docker image should not be used in production environment.

This image is based on Ikizema (https://github.com/ikizema) liferay docker image : https://github.com/ikizema/docker-postgre9.3-liferay

Required Customization

Before running the docker builder, you need to provide following packages in ./assets/packages/ folder :

  • Oracle JDK archive : jdk-8uXX-linux-x64.tar.gz

  • Official Liferay Portal wildfly bundle .zip archive : liferay-portal-wildfly-7.x<...>.zip

Added to those packages, you may need to create a "/opt/liferay/docker" folder to be able to link a host deploy folder to the one in the container (used in the docker run command below)

Build & Run & Start

From project root folder :

docker build -t liferay-7-x-x .
JOB=$(docker run -d -v /opt/liferay/docker:/opt/liferay/deploy -p 50022:22 -p 55432:5432 -p 58080:8080 -p 58787:8787 --name liferay-7-x-x liferay-7-x-x)
docker start $JOB

Note :

Arbitrary image and container name : liferay-7-x-x
Arbitrary port mapping :
    port 22 is mapped to 50022 (ssh)
    port 5432 is mapped to 55432 (postgresql)
    port 8080 is mapped to 58080 (wildfly)
    port 8787 is mapped to 58787 (wildfly debug port)

Accounts :

System account :

user : root
pwd : admin

Database accounts :

PostgreSQL administration :
    user : docker
    pwd : docker

Liferay Database : lportal
    user : lportal
    pwd : lportal

Access to Liferay Portal :

Open http://localhost:58080 in the browser of your choice and finish portal initialization.

Note : Please note that the first Liferay startup can take up to few minutes.

Obvious Tips

  • Change the image and instance names

  • You can connect via ssh :

    ssh root@localhost -p 50022

  • To restart the wildfly server (by killing the process, the supervisor will restart it... Yeah... might be enhanced)

    ps aux | grep wildfly kill -9 xx

  • Db remote connexion and remote debugging available (55432, 58787)

  • if you are using maven for your liferay development and following above instruction on shared folders

    liferay-docker /opt/liferay/docker/deploy