R4DS Mastering Shiny Book Club

Welcome to the R4DS Mastering Shiny Book Club!

We are working together to read Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham. Join the #book_club-mastering_shiny channel on the R4DS Slack to participate. As we read, we are producing notes about the book.
You can catch up on Book Club recordings on the Mastering Shiny YouTube Playlist.

Meeting Schedule

If you would like to present, please add your name next to a chapter using the GitHub Web Editor!

Cohort 1: (ended 2021-08-10)

- Part 1 (Getting started) - 2021-02-16: Chapter 1: _Your First Shiny App_: Jerome Ahye - 2021-02-23: Chapter 2: _Basic UI_: Matt Curcio - 2021-03-02: Chapter 3: _Basic Reactivity_: Priyanka - 2021-03-09: Chapter 4: _Case Study: ER injuries_: David Heß - Part 2 (Shiny in action) - 2021-03-16: Chapter 5: _Workflow_: Shamsudeen - 2021-03-23: Chapter 6: _Layout, themes, HTML_: Russ Hyde - 2021-03-30: _Cancelled_ - 2021-04-06: Chapter 8: _User Feedback_: Anne Hoffrichter - 2021-04-13: Chapter 7: _Graphics_: Jessica Mukiri - 2021-04-20: Chapter 10: _Dynamic UI_: Federica Gazzelloni - 2021-04-27: Chapter 11: _Bookmarking_: Layla Bouzoubaa - 2021-05-04: Chapter 9: _Uploads and Downloads_: Andrew Bates - 2021-05-11: Chapter 12: _Tidy evaluation_: Robert Overman - 2021-05-18: Interlude - Q&A with Shiny Expert: Colin Fay - Part 3 (Mastering reactivity) - 2021-05-25: Chapter 13: _Why reactivity?_: Andrew Bates - 2021-06-01: Chapter 14: _The reactive graph_: Diamantis Sellis - 2021-06-08: Chapter 15: _Reactive building blocks_: Russ Hyde - 2021-06-15: Chapter 16: _Escaping the graph_: Federica Gazzelloni - Part 4 (Best practices) - 2021-06-22: Chapter 17: _General guidelines_: Presenter TBA - 2021-06-29: Chapter 18: _Functions_: Layla Bouzoubaa - 2021-07-06: Chapter 19: _Shiny modules_: Andrew MacDonald - 2021-07-13: Chapter 20: _Packages_: Presenter TBA - 2021-07-20: Chapter 21: _Testing_: Russ Hyde - 2021-07-27: Chapter 22: _Security_: Federica Gazzelloni - 2021-08-03: Chapter 23: _Performance_: Presenter TBA - 2021-08-10: Roundup

Cohort 2: (started 2021-07-21) - Wednesdays, 6pm CST/CDT

  • Part 0 (Getting up and running with git)
    • 2021-07-21: Git basics: Collin Berke
  • Part 1 (Getting started)
    • 2021-07-28: Chapter 1: Your First Shiny App: Collin Berke
    • 2021-08-04: Chapter 2: Basic UI: Ola Giwa
    • 2021-08-11: Chapter 3: Basic Reactivity: Collin Berke
    • 2021-08-18: Chapter 4: Case Study: ER injuries: Ryan S
  • Part 2 (Shiny in action)
    • 2021-08-25: Chapter 5: Workflow: Collin Berke
    • 2021-08-01: Chapter 5: Reprexes: Kevin Gilds
    • 2021-09-08: Chapter 6: Layout, themes, HTML: Ryan Metcalf
    • 2021-09-15: Wrap-up of Chapter 6: Layout, themes, HTML& Chapter 7: Graphics: Ryan Metcalf & Ryan Spjut
    • 2021-09-22: Chapter 8: User Feedback: Kevin Gilds
    • 2021-09-29: Chapter 9: Uploads and Downloads: Collin Berke
    • 2021-10-06: Chapter 10: Dynamic UI: Ryan Metcalf
    • 2021-10-13: Chapter 10: Dynamic UI: Ryan Metcalf & Collin Berke
    • 2021-10-20: Chapter 10: Dynamic UI: Collin Berke & Chapter 11: Bookmarking: Conor Tompkins
    • 2021-10-27: Chapter 12: Tidy evaluation: Presenter TBA
  • Part 3 (Mastering reactivity)
    • 2021-11-03: Chapter 13: Why reactivity?: Presenter TBA
    • 2021-11-10: Chapter 14: The reactive graph: Presenter TBA
    • 2021-11-17: Chapter 15: Reactive building blocks: Presenter TBA
    • 2021-11-24: Chapter 16: Escaping the graph: Presenter TBA
  • Part 4 (Best practices)
    • 2021-12-01: Chapter 17: General guidelines: Presenter TBA
    • 2021-12-08: Chapter 18: Functions: Presenter TBA
    • 2021-12-15: Chapter 19: Shiny modules: Presenter TBA
    • 2022-12-22: Chapter 20: Packages: Presenter TBA
    • 2022-12-29: Chapter 21: Testing: Presenter TBA
    • 2022-01-05: Chapter 22: Security: Presenter TBA
    • 2022-01-12: Chapter 23: Performance: Presenter TBA
    • 2022-01-19: Roundup

How to Present

This repository is structured as a {bookdown} site. To present, follow these instructions:

  1. Setup Github Locally
  2. Fork this repository.
  3. Create a New Project in RStudio using your fork.
  4. Create a New Branch in your fork for your work.
  5. Edit the appropriate chapter file. Use ## to indicate new slides (new sections).
  6. If you use any packages that are not already in the DESCRIPTION, add them. You can use usethis::use_package("myCoolPackage") to add them quickly!
  7. Commit your changes.
  8. Push your changes to your branch.
  9. Open a Pull Request (PR) to let us know that your slides are ready.

When your PR is checked into the main branch, the bookdown site will rebuild, adding your slides to this site.

Example Shiny Apps

If you create any shiny apps to illustrate the concepts in a chapter, you are welcome to include them with your chapter notes. The apps should be placed in the ./examples/ directory of the repository.

Create a subdirectory named ./examples/<chapter-number>_<chapter-name>_<app-description> for each of the apps you create and place your app.R file in there.

For example, if while working on chapter 3 ("Basic Reactivity"), you create an app to illustrate controlling the timing of evaluation, you might add your app as ./examples/03-basic_reactivity-timing_evaluation/app.R.


If any static image files are used in the .Rmd for a chapter, please add them into the directory ./images/<chapter_number>-<title_stub>/. For example, to include images for the "01-your_first_shiny_app" chapter, please place them in ./images/01-your_first_shiny_app/.