
LAbS: a Language with Attribute-based Stigmergies - Parser + Code generator

Primary LanguageF#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

LAbS - a Language with Attribute-based Stigmergies

This repository contains source code for the LAbS code generator, which is used by the SLiVER tool to verify LAbS systems.

It contains four projects:

  • LabsCore: basic data types and function to describe and manipulate LAbS syntax trees.
  • LabsParser: a parser for .labs files.
  • Frontend: static checks and intermediate representation for LAbS systems.
  • LabsTranslate: the code generator itself.

The included Makefile creates a full distribution, containing SLiVER, LabsTranslate, and a set of example files.

Technologies used

  • FParsec (parser combinators) for LabsParser;
  • Argu (argument parser) for the LabsTranslate CLI;
  • DotLiquid for code generation.
  • FSharpPlus for generic programming, lenses, etc.

SLiVER also uses:

  • Click for its CLI;
  • pyparsing.py to translate counterexamples;
  • CSeq for distributed bounded model checking (experimental).

Build requirements

Building LabsTranslate requires dotnet v3 or higher. The included Makefile targets either x64 Linux or MacOs (version 10.12 "Sierra" and higher).

Build instruction

git clone <this repository> labs/
cd labs/
# Debug build (to edit/debug code) 
dotnet publish
# Release build
git submodule init # Only needed the 1st time
git submodule update
make [osx|linux]

The release binaries will be within labs/build/.

Building with CSeq

To add support for CSeq, follow these additional steps:

  1. Download CSeq 1.9
  2. Extract the CSeq archive within the labs directory
  3. Rename the CSeq directory to cseq
  4. make [osx|linux]_cseq

Notice that CSeq support has only been tested under Linux.


[1] R. De Nicola, L. Di Stefano, and O. Inverso, “Multi-Agent Systems with Virtual Stigmergy,” in: Mazzara M., Ober I., Salaün G. (eds) Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations. STAF 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11176. Springer, 2018. Link

[2] R. De Nicola, L. Di Stefano, and O. Inverso, “Multi-Agent Systems with Virtual Stigmergy,” Science of Computer Programming 187, 2020. Link

[3] L. Di Stefano, F. Lang, and W. Serwe, “Combining SLiVER with CADP to Analyze Multi-agent Systems”, in COORDINATION, 2020. To appear. Link