
Excepthook should save me from my stupidity

philipstarkey opened this issue · 1 comments

Original report (archived issue) by Chris Billington (Bitbucket: cbillington, GitHub: chrisjbillington).

I just launched a Qt program with a typo in like the topmost event filter or something, which got called about a billion times as my program started up. Of course Qt's event loop doesn't miss a beat on an exception in a callback, and so my program spawned what looked (with ps) like several hundred excepthook processes. I didn't see them actually pop up, and they eventually stopped accumulating, because my desktop environment immediately became unresponsive. After dropping to a virtual terminal to check things out and executing a carefully crafted few lines of Python to filter ps and kill them all, I was able to not lose my record of not having not rebooted my laptop yet on this continent.

Anyway it occured to me that this shouldn't happen. Excepthook should cough max ten or so concurrent exception windows, and should cough a final one saying further errors are not being shown graphically.

Original comment by Chris Billington (Bitbucket: cbillington, GitHub: chrisjbillington).

  • changed state from "new" to "resolved"

Resolves issue #5, excepthook now raises at most ten errors, plus one final
one to say that it isn't going to show any more errors.

Also has taskbar icon

→ <<cset 4e7936a>>