Samples color is not updated when changing source in the main window selector
SamuelNicaise opened this issue · 3 comments
SamuelNicaise commented
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior, for example:
- Open the Samples plugin
- Add any number of samples
- Double click on a sample. It will be highlighted as expected.
- In the main window, change source from "current_samples" to "variants".
- The sample that is not selected anymore is still highlighted!
Expected behavior: highlighted sample is not highlighted anymore.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 10
- Version of Cutevariant: devel ; commit d7b673b
SamuelNicaise commented
This issue only exists in bright mode. Behavior is as expected with dark mode.
SamuelNicaise commented
New addendum: switching from bright to dark then bright theme seems to have fixed the issue... I will check how it behaves on a "new user" install
dridk commented
cannot reproduce . Please open the issue if it is still there