- 2
ChatgptError: Login error. Try again or use interceptor.js as explained in the documentation.
#32 opened by ENGSamShamsan - 3
403 Client Error
#30 opened by salsasteve - 8
chatgpt.errors.ChatgptError: Login error. Try again or use interceptor.js as explained in the documentation.
#28 opened by Kuduxaaa - 7
Error: \n
#23 opened by collin-rxr2 - 8
Not working since latest update
#17 opened by jamieasp - 3
Copyright and licensing issues
#7 opened by rawandahmad698 - 0
- 4
#24 opened by SilkePilon - 4
unable to login? offer to use interceptor.js?
#25 opened by githubbla - 0
No module named chatgpt.__main__; 'chatgpt' is a package and cannot be directly executed
#27 opened by Nesonica - 2
KeyError: 'accessToken'
#8 opened by aleversn - 2
Not working
#22 opened by ifuchs - 1
Not working with error
#21 opened by NLGithubWP - 3
- 1
- 6
crash during parsing the json file
#1 opened by JaceyMarvin99 - 2
How to use Proxy in the chatgpt-python?
#5 opened by houzhong