Data package with example database management vignettes, presentation, and datasets
Install the package from github using devtools:
Make sure the following dependencies are installed:
- dplyr
- readr
- knitr
- tidyr
- lubridate
There are datasets that are set up well and others that are poorly constructed. To load a dataset in a readable format use the following commands:
After typing "View(dataManagment::" a list of all the datasets should appear:
- full
- location
- observer
- sighting
- sightings_bad
- sightings_really_bad
- species
- species_bad
Take a look at the sightings_bad, sightings_really_bad, and species_bad datasets
Also, look at the documentation for each of the datasets, to learn what might be wrong with each of them
Consider viewing the "Data Management Tips" vignette:
- Enter "browseVignettes('dataManagement')" in the Console window
- Select the HTML link for the "Data Management Tips" Vignette
Look at the following datasets and their documentation as examples:
- full
- location
- observer
- sighting
- species
Consider learning about making your own R Data Package: