This project is intended for people working with compiler optimizations. If this is your case, this other project might be of your interested.
Here is a list of benchmarks available in this repo:
- ASCI_Purple
- ASC_Sequoia
- BenchmarkGame
- BitBench
- CoyoteBench
- Dhrystone
- DOE_ProxyApps_C
- Fhourstones
- Fhourstones_31
- FreeBench
- Linpack
- llubenchmark
- mafft
- MallocBench
- McCat
- McGill
- mediabench
- MiBench
- Misc
- nbench
- NPB-serial
- Olden
- PAQ8p (C++)
- Prolangs-C
- Ptrdist
- SciMark2-C
- Shootout
- sim
- Stanford
- tramp3d-v4 (C++)
- Trimaran
- VersaBench
- PolyBench
Saw something wrong or want to increase the list of benchmarks, send a pull request.
- For each folder that contains .c files, i.e., the folder that will
contain the executable file that you are creating, add the following
file there:
source_files=( "foo.c" "bar.c" "baz.c" "..." )
COMPILER="clang" # or clang++ for C++ programs
RUN_OPTIONS=" irsmk_input "
The last two options are passed to the executable:
./XX.exe ${RUN_OPTIONS} < ${STDIN}