UNICEF Office of Innovation Blockchain Team Intern Assessment

Go as far as you can in the allotted time.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your forked repository
  3. npm install && cd client; npm install
  4. Create a new branch fullstack-assesment
  5. To start the server: node index.js
  6. To start the client: cd client; npm run start


  1. Create the new database model in /lib/db/models
    1. Decide on your own, sensible, properties.
  2. Wire your model into the db and application.

Back End

  1. Add a new route to the API for users.
    1. Look in /lib/api
    2. Complete PUT, POST, and GET endpoints
  2. Complete the logRequest middleware
    1. Log each request path.
    2. Log the user’s ip address
  3. Add a new property to the application
    1. startTime - timestamp when the server started
  4. Modify the getStatus function
    1. Add uptime - amount of time the server has been running
    2. Add the running applications current configuration

Front End

  1. Create a login/registration form.
  2. Register a new user.
  3. Login as the user.
    1. Display and style the server status if the user successfully logs in.
    2. Display an error page if unsuccessful.

Note the usage of 'proxy' in the client package.json


Once you complete the assignment, please make your repository private and invite mehranhydary and tenthirtyone to the repository so that your solution can be reviewed by UNICEF.