
A C++ library for loading and using dynamically shared libraries in your C++ program trough one class and a lot of new variables types for functions extracted from the library.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

The library is under GPL license.

With this library, you can easily use the dlfcn.h C library in C++ trough an object, instead of bothering with the standard C library. The class allows you to load libraries and use their functions through templated methods. This project is not being maintained.

  1. Installation

To install the library, just go in the src folder and use make. The library files will be available in the binfolder along with the headers.

  1. Use the example To test the example program, just go in the "exemple" folder and make.

  2. How to use the ModSystem

All the info are available on the wiki: https://github.com/lacaulac/ModSystem/wiki