Annotate non-coding regulatory vars using our GREEN-DB, prediction scores, conservation and pop AF

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Genomic Regulatory Elements ENcyclopedia

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https://readthedocs.org/projects/green-varan/badge/?version=latest https://www.singularity-hub.org/static/img/hosted-singularity--hub-%23e32929.svg

This is the home of the GREEN-DB and companion tools (GREEN-VARAN)


Genomic Regulatory Elements ENcyclopedia Database A collection of ~2.4M regulatory regions in the human genome, with information about controlled genes, tissues of activity and associated phenotypes. GREEN-DB is available for free for academic usage in a Zenodo repository


Genomic Regulatory Elements ENcyclopedia VARiant ANnotation Annotate non-coding regulatory variants in a VCF with information from GREEN-DB

  • possibly controlled genes
  • overlapping regulatory region IDs and data sources
  • overlapping regulatory regions max constraint value

GREEN-VARAN workflow

A Nextflow workflow for complete VCF processing Given a VCF, ideally annotated for gene consequences with snpEff or bcftools, the workflow can be used to automate processing:

  • annotate with functional regions (TFBS, DNase, UCNE)
  • annotate with the 3 best non-coding variant prediction scores (ncER, FATHMM-MKL, ReMM)
  • annotate population AF from gnomAD genomes
  • perform regulatory variant prioritization using GREEN-VARAN

See the workflow readme for more details or look at the full documentation.

Detailed documentation on GREEN-DB and GREEN-VARAN tool and workflow is provided in ReadTheDocs


GREEN-VARAN tools are written in Nim. GREEN-VARAN relies on hts-nim by Brent Pedersen for fast VCF processing. The GREEN-DB BED files are needed for annotation (see Download the supporting files)

Get the tool binaries from the repository

The easiest way to run GREEN-VARAN is to download the pre-compiled binaries from the latest release at https://github.com/edg1983/GREEN-VARAN

Compile the tool

Alternatively, you can clone the repository git clone https://github.com/edg1983/GREEN-VARAN.git

And then compile the greenvaran using Nim compiler. GREEN-VARAN requires

  • nim >= 0.10
  • hts-nim >= 0.3.4
  • argparse 0.10.1

If you have Singularity installed, you can use the script nim_compile.sh to create a static binary with no dependencies This uses musl-hts-nim as described in hts-nim repository (see https://github.com/brentp/hts-nim#static-binary-with-singularity)

The accessory greendb_query tool can be compiled using nim compile greendb_query.nim


GREEN-VARAN performs annotation of small variants or structural variants VCF adding information on potential regulatory variants from GREEN-DB. Especially, it can annotate possible controlled genes and a prioritization level (this latter need the presence of some additional annotations, see below) It provides also ability to tag variants linked to genes of interest and update existing gene-level annotations from SnpEff or bcftools.

Basic usage

greenvaran [run mode] [options]

The running mode can be one of:

  • smallvars

    In this mode the tool will perform annotation for a small variants VCF. It will annotate variants with information on the possible regulatory role based on GREENDB and eventually provide prioritization levels

  • sv

    In this mode the tool will perform annotation for a structural variants VCF. Capability in this case is limited to annotation of overlapping GREENDB regions and controlled genes. No prioritization is provided

  • querytab

    This mode is a convenient way to automatically prepare input table to be used with the query tool to extract detailed information from GREENDB database.

  • version

    Print the tool version

NB. To perform prioritization of small variants some additional annotation fields are expected in the input VCF, see the prioritization section below. By default, when these information are not present the prioritization level will be set to zero for all annotated variants. We also provide pre-processed datasets (see resources) and Nextflow workflow to automate the whole process (see workflow).

Command line options

smallvars and sv shared options

option description
-i, --invcf INVCF path to indexed input vcf.gz / bcf
-o, --outvcf OUTVCF output vcf / vcf.gz file
-d, --db DB GREEN-DB bed.gz file for your build (see download section)
-s, --dbschema DBSCHEMA json file containing greendb column mapping
A default configuration for GREENDB v2.5 is available in config folder
-u, --noupdate do not update ANN / BCSQ field in the input VCF
-f, --filter filter instead of annotate. Only variants with greendb overlap will be written.
If --genes is active, the output will contain only variants connected to the input genes of interest
-m, --impact IMPACT Which impact to assign when updating snpEff field
Possible values: [HIGH, MODERATE, LOWm MODIFIER] (default: MODIFIER)
--chrom CHROM Annotate only for a specific chromosome
Useful to parallelize across chromosomes
--nochr Use this when input VCF does not have chr prefix in chromosome names
-g, --genes GENES Gene symbols for genes of interest, variants connected to those will be flagged with greendb_VOI tag
This can be a comma-separated list or a text file listing genes one per line
--connection CONNECTION Region-gene connections accepted for annotation
Possible values: [all, closest, annotated] (default: all)
--log LOG Log file. Default is greenvaran_[now].log

sv specific options

option description
-p, --padding PADDING Value to add on each side of BND/INS, this override the CIPOS when set
--cipos CIPOS INFO field listing the confidence interval around POS (default: CIPOS)
It is expected to have 2 comma-separated values
--ciend CIEND INFO field listing the confidence interval around end of SV (default: CIEND)
It is expected to have 2 comma-separated values
--maxlen MAXLEN Max size of SV to be annotated (default: 2000000)
-t, --minoverlap MINOVERLAP Min fraction of GREENDB region to be overlapped by a SV (default: 0.000001)
-b, --minbp MINBP Min number of bases of GREENDB region to be overlapped by a SV (default: 1)

smallvars specific options

option description
-c, --config CONFIG json config file for prioritization
A default configuration for the four level described in the paper is provided in config folder
--prioritization_strategy set the strategy used to compute prioritization levels. Possible values are: levels (default) or pileup
-p, --permissive Perform prioritization even if one of the INFO fields required by prioritization config is missing
By default, when one of the expected fields is not defined in the header, the prioritization is disabled and all variants will get level zero

Annotations added by GREEN-VARAN

INFO fields

Fields in the following table are added to INFO fields by GREEN-VARAN. greendb_level will be added only for small variants

tag data type description
greendb_id String Comma-separated list of GREEN-DB IDs identifying the regions that overlap this variant
greendb_stdtype String Comma-separated list of standard region types as annotated in GREEN-DB for regions overlapping the variant
greendb_dbsource String Comma-separated list of data sources as annotated in GREEN-DB for regions overlapping the variant
greendb_level Integer Variant prioritization level computed by GREEN-VARAN. See Prioritization section below
greendb_more_support Integer Sum up of the additional pieces of evidence that support this variant as configured in the prioritization JSON
greendb_constraint Float The maximum constraint value across GREEN-DB regions overlapping the variant
greendb_genes String Possibly controlled genes for regulatory regions overlapping this variant
greendb_VOI Flag When --genes option is active this flag is set when any of the input genes is among the possibly controlled genes for overlapping regulatory regions.

Updated gene consequences

By default, GREEN-VARAN update gene consequences in the SnpEff ANN field or the bcftools BCSQ if one is present in the input VCF file. In this way the annotation can be processed by most downstream tools evaluating segregation. If none is found, GREEN-VARAN will create a new ANN field. To switch off gene consequence update use the --noupdate option.

The tool will add a new consequence for each possibly controlled gene, limited by the --connection option. The new consequence will follow standard format according to SnpEff or bcftools and have MODIFIER impact by default. This can be adjusted using the --impact option. The gene effect will be set according to the GREEN-DB region type, adding 5 one of the terms: bivalent, enhancer, insulator, promoter, silencer.

Example ANN / BCSQ field added by GREEN-VARAN.


Prioritization of small variants

GREEN-VARAN will consider GREEN-DB annotations, additional functional regions and non-coding impact prediction scores to provide a prioritization level for each annotated variant. This level is annotated under greenvaran_level tag in the INFO field.

This fields is an integer from 0 to N which summarize evidences supporting a regulatory impact for the variant. Higher values are associated to a higher support of regulatory impact.

You need 3 set of information in your input VCF to run prioritization mode when using the default config provided.

  1. gnomAD_AF, gnomAD_AF_nfe: float values describing global and NFE population AF from gnomAD
  2. ncER, FATHMM-MKL and ReMM: float values providing scores predictions
  3. TFBS, DNase and UCNE: flags describing overlap with additional functional regions

The prioritization schema can be adjusted by modifying the .json file passed to --config. A default file is provided in config folder.

The default behaviour is --prioritization_strategy levels which reproduce the 4 levels as described in the paper. Alternatively, you can chose a "pile-up" approach setting --prioritization_strategy pileup which simply sum evidences across levels. This means that the criteria described above are tested independently and the level reported is increased by one for each satisfied criteria.

See documentation for more details documentation.

Run using singularity

The tool binaries should work on most linux based system. In case you have any issue, we also provide GREEN-VARAN as Docker image that you can use with Singularity or Docker. A Dockerfile recipe is included in the repository or you can pull the image from DockerHub:

singularity pull docker://htgenomeanalysisunit/greenvaran:1.3


The image contains both greenvaran and greendb_query tools. The config files are provided in the container in /opt/green-varan/config The general usage is:

singularity exec \
  greenvaran.sif \
  tool_name [tool arguments]

Bind specific folders for resources or data

The tool needs access to input VCF file, the GREEN-DB bed file and the config files so remember to bind the corresponding locations in the container

See the following example where we use the current working directory for input/output, while other files are located in the default config / resources folder within greenvaran folder (greenvaran_path). In the example we use GRCh38 genome build

singularity exec \
  --bind /greenvaran_path/resources/GRCh38:/db_files \
  --bind /greenvaran_path/config:/config_files \
  --bind ${PWD}:/data \
  greenvaran.sif \
  greenvaran -i /data/input.vcf.gz \
  -o /data/output.vcf.gz \
  --db /db_files/GRCh38_GREEN-DB.bed.gz \
  --dbschema /config_files/greendb_schema_v2.5.json \
  --config /config_files/prioritize_smallvars.json
  [additional tool arguments]

Example usage

small variants test

greenvaran smallvars \
  --invcf test/VCF/GRCh38.test.smallvars.vcf.gz \
  --outvcf test/out/smallvars.annotated.vcf.gz \
  --config config/prioritize_smallvars.json \
  --dbschema config/greendb_schema_v2.5.json \
  --db resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_GREEN-DB.bed.gz \
  --genes test/VCF/genes_list_example.txt

structural variants test

greenvaran sv \
  --invcf test/VCF/GRCh38.test.SV.vcf.gz \
  --outvcf test/out/SV.annotated.vcf.gz \
  --dbschema config/greendb_schema_v2.5.json \
  --db resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_GREEN-DB.bed.gz \
  --minbp 10


When you use GREEN-DB or GREEN-VARAN tools please cite: GREEN-DB: a framework for the annotation and prioritization of non-coding regulatory variants in whole-genome sequencing Giacopuzzi E., Popitsch N., Taylor JC. BiorXiv (2021)

When you use GREEN-VARAN workflow for small variants annotation please also cite:

Vcfanno: fast, flexible annotation of genetic variants Brent S. Pedersen, Ryan M. Layer & Aaron R. Quinlan. Genome Biology volume 17, Article number: 118 (2016)

Additionally, when you use any prediction score for annotation, please cite the corresponding publication.