Docker containers for playing with JBrowse2 both within the context of Tripal and independantly.
Three dockerfiles are provided for different purposes:
- JBrowseUse: The simplest image simply provides a place to play with JBrowse2. It contains a JBrowse site initialized using the JBrowse-cli.
- JBrowseDev: This image is for development of JBrowse core and includes a clone of the core jbrowse-components.
- TripalJBrowseEmbed: Includes both a seeded Tripal site (credit: statonlab) and a JBrowse site initialized using the JBrowse-cli.
- JBrowseUse is on the most recent vesion of JBrowse2 (v1.0.4) and is now using Alpine Linux + Node.js 14.16.0 for a secure production environment.
- JBrowseDev + TripalJBrowseEmbed are behind and need to be re-tested and updated. However, re-building the image should proviude you with a recent version of JBrowse since it uses the cli tools.
- Working to provide solid images for use so you don't need to build your own.
- Embedding is a proof of concept model for Tripal JBrowse and is not yet complete.