Everything is back to normal. Giphy is having new API. Gratz.
Giphy's API is currenlty unavailable :-/
Just trying out Rails 4 + jQuery 2 + Giphy API
So, I decided to use Ubuntu 12.10 and test Ruby Mine IDE (JetBrains) for development. I had to install Oracle's JDK from http://www.devsniper.com/ubuntu-12-04-install-sun-jdk-6-7/.
Then I installed Ruby 2.0.0 using RVM following the instructions on http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/.
After that I installed Rails 4.0.0.beta1 (latest version) by doing gem install rails --version 4.0.0.beta1 --no-ri --no-rdoc
Create a folder named todo
, clone the repo in it, then rails new <path to the 'todo' folder>
Do not forget about the Rails insecure defaults and fix the secret_token
with similar solution to https://github.com/hotsh/rstat.us/blob/master/config/initializers/secret_token.rb.
Then commit and push.
I had to add the following [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
on the bottom of my .bashrc (.zshrc) otherwise calling rails
from a new terminal window did not work.
Install bundler and try to make .haml
and tilt
Install html5boilerplate miracles.rails-boilerplate
Add jquery-rails
gem to the Gemfile to add cheap support for CSRF tokens and better jQuery integration.
Add rest-in-place
gem to allow in-place editing of fields.
Last step is to deploy to heroku. Heroku is a tiny bitch sometimes. Here what the key points were in my case.
Start following the simple tutorial for rails deployment on heroku and by the time you are about to push to heroku set a SECRET_TOKEN on your stack heroku config:add SECRET_TOKEN=<secret token>
. The token can be generated by running rake secret
Then follow the instructions how to prebuild your static assets.
You must prebuild your assets with the same SECRET_KEY value as on heroku. Something like this should do the trick: SECRET_TOKEN=<secret token> RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
After the static assets are done, create a file public/assets/manifest.yml
, because Rails 4 will not create it for you, but heroku is using it as indicator whether to prebuild your assets or not. Heroku's deployment will fail if it tries prebuilding the assets :-/
Last step should be database initialization: heroku run rake db:migrate