
sbt version of sbt jib: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project tries to make a sbt plugin for the awesome jib project from google.


name type description
jibBaseImage String jib base image
jibBaseImageCredentialHelper Option[String]] jib base image credential helper cli name (e.g. ecr-login)
jibJvmFlags List[String]] jib default jvm flags
jibArgs List[String]] jib default args
jibEntrypoint Option[List[String]] jib entrypoint
jibImageFormat JibImageFormat jib default image format
jibTargetImageCredentialHelper Option[String] jib target image credential helper cli name
jibRegistry String jib target image registry (defaults to docker hub)
jibOrganization String jib docker organization (defaults to organization)
jibName String jib image name (defaults to project name)
jibVersion String jib version (defaults to version)
jibEnvironment Map[String, String] jib docker env variables
jibUser Option[String] jib user and group to run the container as
jibMappings Seq[(File, String)] jib additional resource mappings,
formatted as <source file resource> -> <full path on container>
jibExtraMappings Seq[(File, String)] jib extra file mappings / i.e. java agents
(see above for formatting)
jibUseCurrentTimestamp Boolean jib use current timestamp for image creation time. Default to Epoch
jibCustomRepositoryPath Option[String] jib custom repository path freeform path structure.
The default repo structure is organization/name


name description
jibDockerBuild jib build docker image
jibImageBuild jib build image (does not need docker)
jibTarImageBuild jib build tar image

snippets and examples

injecting java agents

This snippet shows how to inject a Java Agent (Kanela) into a container via jibExtraMappings.


//...project stuff...
javaAgents += "io.kamon" % "kanela-agent" % "1.0.5" % "dist;runtime;compile"
//...project stuff...
jibBaseImage := "openjdk:11-jre"
jibName := "my-service"
jibRegistry := "some-ecr-repository"
jibUseCurrentTimestamp := true
jibCustomRepositoryPath := Some(jibName.value)
jibJvmFlags := List("-javaagent:/root/lib/kanela-agent.jar")
jibExtraMappings := {
    //javaAgents, Modules and ResolvedAgent come from the sbt-javaagent plugin
    val resolved = javaAgents.value.map { agent =>
        update.value.matching(Modules.exactFilter(agent.module)).headOption map {
            jar => ResolvedAgent(agent, jar)
    for {
        resolvedAgent <- resolved.flatten
    } yield {
        resolvedAgent.artifact -> s"/root/lib/${resolvedAgent.agent.name}.jar"
jibTargetImageCredentialHelper := Some("ecr-login") 
jibBaseImageCredentialHelper := Some("ecr-login")