
Metal-based realtime video mixing engine

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🎛️ MixKit

MixKit is a realtime video compositing framework built on Metal, that formed the core of a live video mixing app I was writing for the Mac.


Below is a demo of building a simple presentation scene in MixKit, from two live Syphon sources and a static image:



Texture Providers

Video frames are provided to MixKit by texture providers. Texture providers conform to a simple API:

@objc public protocol TextureProvider {
    /// Get the next frame as a Metal texture
    func nextFrame() -> MTLTexture?

    /// Start providing textures (optional)
    func start()

    /// Stop providing textures (optional)
    func stop()

MixKit was designed to be dynamically extensible by plugins that provide implementations of the TextureProvider protocol. An example texture provider library for Syphon, the excellent IOSurface-backed technology for sharing frames between macOS video apps, is included with the demo app.


The fundamental unit for MixKit renders is a layer. Layers have a frame (normalised between -1 and 1 relative to a parent’s coordinate space), a texture provider, and an associated GPU device:

public class Layer: Renderable {
    public var frame: NormalisedFrame

    public init(
        name: String,
        textureProvider: TextureProvider,
        device: MTLDevice


Multiple layers can be composed into a scene. Layers are composited in the order they appear in the scene’s layers array.

public class Scene: Renderable {
    public var layers: [Layer]


MixKit provides a TextureViewRenderer class, which handles all rendering of a Scene to a MetalKit MTKView. For example, intialising a simple render output looks like:

let scene = Scene()

let outputView = MTKView(
    frame: self.view.bounds,
    device: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()

let renderer = TextureViewRenderer(view: outputView)
renderer.scene = scene

Internal rendering behaviour is easy to change or extend. MixKit types implement the basic Renderable protocol, which defines an object that can encode render commands to a Metal command bufer:

protocol Renderable {
    /// Encode commands necessary to render the `Renderable`
    func render(commandEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder)

Disclaimer of Quality

I wrote MixKit as a 16-year-old uni student that hadn't yet learnt graphics programming for realsies, and as such there are some naïve mistakes in it 😛. That said, it performs well and I think the fundamental design holds up alright. Hopefully it can be a helpful jumping off point if you’re exploring the problem space.


MixKit is available under the Apache 2.0 License. The demo app uses a control licensed under the GPLv3, and therefore its code is also available under the GPLv3.