
An opinionated setup of RSW for the use with AWS ParallelCluster

Primary LanguageShell


An opinionated setup of RStudio Workbench (RSW) for the use with AWS ParallelCluster


python venv (one time setup)

python3 -m venv aws-parallelcluster
source aws-parallelcluster/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install aws-parallelcluster 

Once done, a source aws-parallelcluster/bin/activate will activate the venv, a simple deactivate will deactivate it again.

Edit config variables

Edit lines 3 to 9 of deploy.sh to reflect the appropriate details of your environment.

Start the deployment

Run ./deploy.sh. This will copy scripts and config files to the existing S3 bucket and trigger the installation of the HPC cluster.

More information

See doc folder.