This is for Provisioning a Rpi2/3 with Raspian Lite. I have implemented this for easily bootstrapping RPI Docker Hosts
- Raspberry Pi 3B
- Transcend Premium 300x 32GB
- Raspian 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-lite
- Docker 18.06.2
ce3-0~raspbian - Terraform v0.11.11
- Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
- SD Card
- 16GB or better 32GB
- SD Card Reader for flashing Raspian
- FLash Program
- balena Etcher
- W32 Disk Imager
- Rapsian Image
- URL:
- Version:
- a DHCP Server for getting a IP-Adress
- Take Flash Program
- unpack Rapsian img-File
- Flash it to SD-Card
- disconnect reader or eject SD-Card and put it back in
- create empty file 'ssh' in boot Partition
- insert SD-Card in RPi
- add network access
- power it up
- look in your Router & identify the IP-Adress of RPi
- write that adress down
Version used: Terraform v0.11.11
Create a file "terraform.tfvars" for easy adding variable defaults. Te only variable that must be set is "ip_adress" for initial connection to Raspberry Pi. An Example File "terraform.tfvars.example" is included.
Before first use terraform modules must be initialized
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- approve with: yes
- terraform will do the following
- generate a tls key
- copy public key to rpi
- adds a new admin user
- generate a new password
- first connect with user & password
- connect with private key
terraform destroy
Not every single ressource has destroy abilities yet.