Surfrider Ericeira Wordpress Theme
Setup Instructions
- Install and Configure Wordpress
Install Wordpress, enable multisite feature.
Create two blogs, one for each language.
Install surfrider and surfride_pt themes.
Activate appropriate theme for each blog.
Install Plugins
The following plugins must be installed and configured:
- Multiligual Press
- Facebook Gallery
- Event Manager
- Generate Static Pages and Assign Templates
The following pages must be created in both Wordpress sites, and the appropriate template must be added to each page:
- About
- Archive
- Calendar
- Contact
- Events
- Front Page
- Kid zone
- Membership
- Problem
- Photos
- Resources
- Surfrider Blog
- Video
- Volunteer
- Why Give
Theme forked from Wordpress Bootstrap, which is Twitter's Bootstrap in Wordpress theme form. Uses Eddie Machado's Bones for a starting point .
Designed and developed by Madeline Chapin and Elon University's iMedia Team Portugal.