
Monorepo of all my projects setup using submodules so that all my projects can be independent as well

Primary LanguageStarlark

Run the monorepo

Help with Java and Maven dependency management using the rules_jvm_external


Pin the maven dependencies

bazel run @maven//:pin

Whenever you make a change to the list of artifacts or repositories and want to update maven_install.json, run the following command to re-pin the unpinned @maven repository:

bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin

yarn install

bazel run @nodejs//:yarn_node_repositories

add npm dev dependency

bazel run @nodejs//:yarn -- add -D @bazel/ibazel

to build a fat jar with bazel, you need to add _deploy.jar suffix to the java_binary target name. The final jar will be named target_name_deploy.jar.

bazel run //bookmarker/server/src/main/java/me/a6n/bookmarker:micronaut_deploy.jar

Load a container_image into docker

bazel run //bookmarker:server_image

Install bazelwatcher

brew tap bazelbuild/tap
brew install bazelbuild/tap/ibazel

bazel query cheatsheet


Run bazel shutdown

.../bin/external/maven/pin: line 10: external/maven/jq: No such file or directory

A workaround for this is to edit the file and set the full path of jq, delete the empty maven_install.json file and run it again...EVERY TIME I add a new dependency