
An SRD and open-source material reference site for 5th edition D&D

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An SRD and open-source material reference site for 5th edition D&D

Editing Content


Open5e is statically generated using Sphinx, a Python-based documentation generator.

After cloning the repo, you'll need to install Sphinx. You'll need Python 2.7 or higher. We recommend you install Sphinx in a virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv open5e_venv
source open5e_venv/bin/activate
cd open5e
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you'll be able to then do an initial build to generate the local files using the Makefile in the top of the repo.

make html

Making changes

Sphinx documentation pages are written using a markup language called reStructuredText. Once you make your changes, you simply need to rebulid using make html, then you can preview the site in your browser at file:///path/to/open5e/build/html/index.html

Editing the theme

If you are going to change the theme, you'll need [sass](http://sass-lang.com/ and grunt. If you don't already have npm and ruby you'll also need to install them.

Find out if you already have npm and ruby:

npm --version
ruby --version

If you don't get a command not found error, you're ready to install sass and grunt:

gem install sass
npm install -g grunt

Then cd to the template directory, install the node dependencies, and run grunt.

cd _themes/open5e_red_theme/
npm install

This should build the style and launch a demo page with LiveReload for you to work against. If you want to preview your results on the 5e page, you'll need to do a clean Sphinx rebuild because the Makefile doesn't recognize changes to the theme as requiring an update:

cd open5e
make clean
make html