
A multithreaded Python3 program that fuzzes HTTP headers and values and outputs the results to a CSV file.

Primary LanguagePython

HTTP Header Fuzzer

A multithreaded Python3 program that fuzzes HTTP headers and values and outputs the results to a CSV file. Checks HTTP responses for header reflection, HTTP response codes, attempts OS injection, uses long header values, uses special characters as header values.


Download the repository and move into the Http-Header-Fuzzer directory.

Test all defined headers

python3 http_header_fuzzer.py -uf <file containing urls> -at -ah -csv <csv file to write or append to>

Test all headers example

python3 http_header_fuzzer.py -v -uf urls.txt -at -ah -csv scan_results.csv

The above command will visit each URL specified in urls.txt, and will run all tests (-at) against all headers (ah) defined in the script. The results of the script will be written to a CSV file, scan_results.csv. The verbose flag (-v) displays the results to the terminal as the requests occur. You can optionally include a threads (-t) argument (default is 5 threads) to make the scan go faster or slower. If the sites you are scanning are slow to respond, you can change the timeout options (default 5 seconds) using the -to flag (example: -to 10).


I highly recommend using the -csv option to record the output. If you want to read the terminal output, you may want to slow down the scan, setting the threads (-t) option to a lower value (default is 5). Another option is to send the requests/responses through a proxy using the proxy option (-pr, and let the proxy record everything. Regardless, this is what the terminal output will look like:

python3 http_header_fuzzer.py -v -uf urls.txt -at -ah -csv header_fuzzing.csv

[*] Loaded 3 URLs
[*] Testing 8 headers
[*] Running 5 types of tests

[*] Fuzzing Host header at https://laconicwolf.com/

[+] URL: http://laconicwolf.com/
    Test: reflection
    Header: Host
    Value: wbzopktwwa
    Status Code: 200
    Response Length: 111
    Response Time: 0.8
    Header reflected in response?: False

[*] Fuzzing Host header at http://laconicwolf.net/

[+] URL: http://laconicwolf.net/
    Test: reflection
    Header: Host
    Value: owenirpeek
    Status Code: 404
    Response Length: 357
    Response Time: 1.1
    Header reflected in response?: True