
Primary LanguageSolidity

Superfluid Foundry Starter Template

This is a foundry template for developing and testing Superfluid-related contracts such as Super Tokens, Super Apps, and other contracts that call Superfluid agreements.

Set Up

NOTE: You will need yarn (or npm) and foundry to use this project.

To get started, clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/Fluid-X/superfluid_foundry_template

Next, install dependencies. At the time of writing, Superfluid MUST be installed as node modules.

# Or `npm install` if you prefer npm

Next, try running the generic test:

forge test

Project Layout

The majority of the project layout is as forge init <name> creates it. The main difference is the node dependencies. For this, the package.json includes the Superfluid contracts. The foundry.toml file contains has node_modules in the libs array, which tells the compiler where to find dependencies. The remappings.txt file and the .vscode directory are for VSCode compatibility on imports. You don't need this, but if you remove it, you'll get visual errors that won't actually show up in tests.

Set Up Tests

Import the SuperfluidTester.sol contract, then have your contract inherit it. In the constructor, add SuperfluidTester(admin) where admin is the address you want to deploy with. For most tests, this does not matter, so you can set it to address(1).

// omitting imports for brevity

contract YourTestContractNameHere is SuperfluidTester {

    // admin address
    address internal admin = address(1);

    // This deploys everything as `admin`
    constructor() SuperfluidTester(admin) {}

    // from here on, you can use `sf` to access everything.
    function setUp() public {
        // set up ...

    // tests ...

Using the sf Framework

The Superfluid Framework struct is defined as follows:

struct Framework {
    TestGovernance governance;
    Superfluid host;
    ConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa;
    CFAv1Library.InitData cfaLib;
    InstantDistributionAgreementV1 ida;
    IDAv1Library.InitData idaLib;
    SuperTokenFactory superTokenFactory;

// CFAv1Library
struct InitData {
    ISuperfluid host;
    IConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa;

// IDAv1Library
struct InitData {
    ISuperfluid host;
    IInstantDistributionAgreementV1 ida;

TestGovernance governance

This is for all things governance. Code updates, parameter tweaking, etc.

// access TestGovernance

// get reward address example

Superfluid host

This is the monolithic Superfluid host contract. This handles agreements, apps, and callbacks.

// access Superfluid

// check if app is jailed example

ConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa

This is the streaming agreement contract. This handles creating, updating, and deleting flows, as well as flow operator permission updates and delegated flow handling.

// access ConstantFlowAgreementV1

// createFlow example
    abi.encodeCall(sf.cfa.createFlow, (token, receiver, flowRate, new bytes(0)),
    new bytes(0)

CFAv1Library.InitData cfaLib

This is the CFA library. The InitData struct contains the Superfluid and ConstantFlowAgreementV1 interfaces. This is used for abstracting agreement calling. You can call CFA-related agreements directly with this struct.

// access CFAv1Library

// createFlow example
sf.cfaLib.createFlow(receiver, token, flowRate);

InstantDistributionAgreementV1 ida

This is the distribution agreement contract. This handles creating indexes, distributing, and subscriptions.

// access InstantDistributionAgreementV1

// createIndex example
    abi.encodeCall(sf.ida.createIndex, (token, indexId, new bytes(0))),
    new bytes(0)

IDAv1Library.InitData idaLib

This is the IDA library. The InitData struct contains the Superfluid and InstantDistributionAgreementV1 interfaces. This is used for abstracting agreement calling. You can call IDA-related agreements directly with this struct.

// access IDAv1Library

// createIndex example
sf.idaLib.createIndex(token, indexId);

SuperTokenFactory superTokenFactory

This is the super token factory contract. This handles creating, deploying, and updating super token logic.

// access SuperTokenFactory

// create pure super token contract
ISuperToken token = ISuperToken(sf.superTokenFactory.createSuperTokenLogic(sf.host));
token.initialize(underlyingERC20, underlyingDecimals, name, symbol);