
BuckleScript AI for Screeps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Hiver is lacoperon's implementation of an AI for the programming game Screeps in OCaml, transpiled to Javascript through Bucklescript (which, by the way, is brilliant. You should check it out!).

My rationale behind doing this is that OCaml-transpiled Javascript is (depending on the measure) around 3x faster than regular Javascript. The Screeps game imposes CPU limits on players in the game, so execution time is at a premium. So, faster scripts --> faster execution --> profit (hopefully).


Replace Gruntfile.example.js with Gruntfile.js, in which your Screeps username and password (and branch, if applicable) are filled out correctly.

Then, you should be good to go.

Installation (for anyone who wants to try this out)

To install dependencies, simply run npm install, and to transpile + package your ml code, run npm run build.

All ml files within ./src are transpiled by Bucklescript into the ./lib/js/src directory, and then all of those files are packed (with their dependencies) into ./deploy/main.js by webpack.

Also note: Functions that don't easily translate into OCaml (or that I wrote in the beginning of my time writing this project) are found in lib/js/src/supplemental.js, and these functions are referred to elsewhere (IE in my ml files) using the appropriate [@@bs.send] syntax described within the Bucklescript manual.

Quick List of Modules/Tools Used:

  • grunt
  • grunt-screeps
  • webpack
  • Bucklescript
  • screeps-multimeter(which saved me from having to launch the game GUI to see if my code has runtime JS errors.)

Description of my AI Implementation

Each tick, the run function (within main.ml) is called, which in turn calls functions which iterates through my units (iterateCreeps, which has each creep do their respective role in the colony), my spawns (iterateSpawns, which sees if a given spawn can make a new unit), as well as garbage collects my memory clearDeadCreepsFromMemory, and provides me data I can see outside of the game window (doWatcher).

Creep Roles

My units ('creeps', in Screeps parlance) each have various roles:

  • Harvester : harvests energy, and brings it to the spawn to make more units
  • Upgrader : harvests/transports energy, and brings it to the Room Controller to 'level up' my room
  • Builder : harvests/transports energy, and builds/repairs my structures with it

(There are more to come, but this is it for now.)

Spawn Logic

To come later. Stay tuned, folks.