
  1. in terminal make sure you do tsc index.ts
  2. seperate the files into a build and source folder. type 'tsc --init' into your command line to get access to the config file.
  3. uncomment out rootDir and outDir in configs. rootDir is for typescript (our src folder), and rootDir for what's compiled (build)
  4. tsc -w

to run in termin do npm start

Bubble Sort

double-nested for loops, that compares if the left-hand side > right-hand side, and if so, swap them. After the first iteration, the greatest number will be on the right hand side.

Type Guards

Anytime we use a narrow type of a value to a primitive type (ie number, string, boolean, or symbol), we use the typeof in our type guard.

To narrow down every other type of value (value that is created with a constructor function) we use instanceof.

Even though arrays can be a typeof in javascript, it is NOT in typescript. We must use instanceof.


Refactoring so the Sorter class is the parent class for NumbersCollection, CharactersCollection, and LinkedList. That way they can all use .sort() rather than making a new Sorter and then doing sorter.sort().

Abstract Classes

  • Can't be used to create an object directly
  • Only used as a parent class
  • Can contain real implementation for some methods
  • The implemented methods can refer to other methods that don't actually exist yet (we still have to provide names and types for the un-implemneted methods)
  • Can makw child classes promise to implement some other method
  • you don't need to call super() in the child class if it doesn't have a constructor

Difference between Interfaces and Abstract Class


  • sets up a contract between different classes
  • use when we have very different objects that we want to work together
  • promotes loose coupling

inheritance/abstract classes

  • sets up a contract between different clases
  • use when we are trying to build up a definition of an object
  • strongly couples classes together