
Report your favorite GitHub trending into your Slack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitHub trending over Slack

Send the GitHub trending of your favorite languages into your Slack channel!

Quick start

SLACK_HOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" npx ts-node src/report.ts javascript today

You should install Incoming Webhooks first to get a slack hook url.

If you can use envrc, please check an example file: .envrc.example.


Add a new schedule.json file copied from schedule.example.json file to set that to SCHEDULE environment variable.

  "dayOfWeek": {
    "trendings": [{ "language": "language", "period": "period" }],
    "owners": ["owner-name"]

dayOfWeek is a string and it is one of mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat and sun. For example, you can set like this if you want to receive the c++ weekly trend and Microsoft's repositories that have changed over the past day in every Monday.

  "mon": {
    "trendings": [{ "language": "c++", "period": "weekly" }],
    "owners": ["microsoft"]

Of course, you can use all of dayOfWeek to schedule something for all days.

  "all": {
    "trendings": [{ "language": "golang", "period": "weekly" }],
    "owners": ["google"]

And then run a scheduler.js script with SLACK_HOOK_URL.

SLACK_HOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" node scheduler.js

AWS Lambda

If you don't think about a machine to run this script as a cron job, you can choose the AWS Lambda. It can run a lambda function periodically with CloudWatch's scheduler tick. I set to launch this function at every 10AM (KST) into functions.reportToday.events.schedule at serverless.yml.

You can deploy this into your lambda with your AWS_PROFILE environment variable by serverless.

  1. Check your AWS credentials, for example, AWS_PROFILE env.
  2. Install serverless with npm command.
  3. Check your SLACK_HOOK_URL, SLACK_TRENDING_CHANNEL, SLACK_OWNER_CHANNEL and SCHEDULE environment variables with referencing .envrc.example file and schedule.example.json file.
  4. Check the cron expression in serverless.yml file.
  5. npm run deploy to deploy.

It contains an API Gateway endpoint to call it manually, so you use curl to test it.

curl -XPOST "https://YOUR-APIID.execute-api.AWS-REGION.amazonaws.com/production/trending/LANGUAGE/PERIOD"
curl -XPOST "https://YOUR-APIID.execute-api.AWS-REGION.amazonaws.com/production/owner/LANGUAGE/PERIOD"

Or, you can call all things in the schedule using this endpoint.

curl -XPOST "https://YOUR-APIID.execute-api.AWS-REGION.amazonaws.com/production/"