
Webhook tunnel to private network using AWS Serverless

Primary LanguageTypeScript


ngrok is good to make a tunnel for private network.

But in my case, to make a hook between GitHub and Jenkins in my local, I worry few things below.

  • Someone can guess my ngrok URL mapped brute force,
  • and there is no way to protect my Jenkins access except Basic authentication supported by ngrok
  • but that method cannot be supported by GitHub Webhook.

Of course, introducing nginx to expose only Jenkins' Webhook URL and use ngrok that path, everything would be alright. But I can only 1 online ngrok process under free plan.

So I made it.


GitHub -> APIGW/λ -> SQS (Public network)
   (Private network) SQS <- polling server -> Jenkins

Quick start

  1. Copy from .envrc.example to .envrc for environment variables. (feat. direnv)
  2. Deploy github-to-sqs into AWS. (yarn && yarn deploy)
  3. Make a hook between the deployed URL and GitHub repository. (GitHub Repository > Settings > Webhooks > Add webhook / Just the push event)
    GitHub add Webhook
  4. Install Jenkins locally. (docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkins/jenkins:lts)
  5. Setup sqs-to-local locally. (yarn && yarn build && ./dist/main-linux)
  6. Generate GitHub Personal access token with repo scope. (GitHub > Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token > Select scopes / repo / repo:status)
    Generate a GitHub access token Get a GitHub access token
  7. Add it to Jenkins. (Manage Jenkins > Configure > GitHub > GitHub Server / Credentials > Add / Secret text)
    Add GitHub access token as secret text Setup GitHub server configuration
  8. Create a job and make some pushes!
    Jenkins build trigger Jenkins post build action

Environment variables

Checkout .envrc file please. These are common configurations.

Name Description Required Default value
TUNNEL_QUEUE_NAME Name of SQS to exchange events true
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION SQS deployed AWS Region true

Other specific configuration would be placed each .envrc.example of subdirectory. All subprojects have their .envrc.example to manage their specific configuration.

Environment variables for logging

Name Description Required Default value
CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL Log level for Console logging false trace
SLACK_LOG_LEVEL Log level for Slack logging false warn
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Slack Incoming Webhook URL to send logs false (undefined)
SLACK_USERNAME Slack username for logging false Logger
SLACK_CHANNEL Slack channel for logging false (undefined)

Sometimes cloudwatch is too slow. For this reason, using slack as a logger's destination is often very convenient.
