
Primary LanguageCSS

Qtile dotfiles


Installation (On arch)

run install.py and make sure to select your favorite aur helper in --aurhelper

usage: install.py [-h] [--aurhelper AURHELPER] [--verbose] [--source SOURCE] [--target TARGET] [--link] [--skipchecking] [--skipdeps]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --aurhelper AURHELPER
                        AUR helper, by default 'yay'
  --verbose             Display more information
  --source SOURCE       Dotfiles source
  --target TARGET       Dotfiles target, by default home directory
  --link                Creates symbolic links instead of copy files
  --skipchecking        Skip existing files checking
  --skipdeps            Skip installing dependencies


I made the qtile configuration in a way that almost everything is easly tweakable without any python or qtile knowledge. Just edit the variables at the start of the config in the variables category.

Important : This dotfiles is initially made for azerty keyboards so by default on a qwerty keyboard the numbers keys won't work.



Note that shortcuts can be changed in the qtile configuration.

Window Management

Key combination Action
Super + left Move focus to left
Super + right Move focus to right
Super + down Move focus down
Super + up Move focus up
Super + Shift + left Move window to the left
Super + Shift + right Move window to the right
Super + Shift + down Move window down
Super + Shift + up Move window up
Super + Control + left Grow window to the left
Super + Control + right Grow window to the right
Super + Control + down Grow window down
Super + Control + up Grow window up
Super + r Reset all window sizes
Super + q Kill focused window
Super + m Toggle fullscreen on the focused window
Super + f Toggle floating on the focused window
Super + Tab Move window focus to other window


Key combination Action
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase volume by 5%
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease volume by 5%
XF86AudioMute Toggle mute
XF86AudioPlay Play/Pause media
XF86AudioPrev Play previous media track
XF86AudioNext Play next media track


Key combination Action
Super + Return Launch terminal
Super + Space Launch launcher
Super + b Launch browser
Super + e Launch file manager
Control + alt + Delete Launch power menu


Key combination Action
Super + Control + r Reload the config
Super + Control + q Shutdown Qtile


Key combination Action
Print Take a screenshot
alt + Print Take a screenshot of a zone or a window


Key combination Action
Super + w Next wallpaper
Super + shift + w Previous wallpaper


Key combination Action
Super + l Next layouts
Super + Shift + l Previous layout
Super + Control + [workspace] Switch to the specified layout


Key combination Action
Super + alt + right Go to next group
Super + alt + left Go to previous group
Super + [workspace] Switch to the specified group
Super + Shift + [workspace] Move focused window to the specified group