
barebones restful service for updating remote machine's IP

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ip-post Routinely store your machine's current ip address in a remote database.

####Node + MongoDB Barebones restful service for updating and storing remote machine's IP.

In order to provide db's uri, use either set DB=<string> or heroku config:set DB=<string>


/api : json formatted url

/link : url to access server

####Scripts gah.sh is the bash script that obtains your machine's ip and POSTs it to the restful service.

ipcron2 is the cron script that runs the bash script every 30 minutes.

d is a bash script that automatically ssh-es into the server. Assumes that you have added the private key to the keychain // using ssh-agent

####Notes I realize that they are many other better ways of keeping track of your machine's ip if it is not on a static line (ie no-ip). However I wanted to try out writing some bash scripts, and hence this repository :)

Should add test coverage next!