An easy to use Clojure library for querying with the Yahoo Finance API
;; In project.clj:
[yahoo-finance-api "0.1.6"]
;; clojure-yahoo-finance v0.1.6 uses clojure-csv 2.0.2
;; In ns statement:
(ns my.ns
(:require [yahoo-finance-api.core :refer :all])
;; Getting last price from the api:
(get-stock "googl")
;; returns {:last-price 730.22M}
;; Getting other fields from the api:
(get-stock "googl" :name :last-price :open :change)
;; returns {:name "Alphabet Inc", :last-price 730.22M, :open 734.32M, :change "1.37"}
- :name
- :last-price
- :ask
- :bid
- :prev-close
- :open
- :change
- :change-and-percent
- :change-percent
- :last-trade-date
- :last-trade-time
- :one-year-target-price
- :52-week-low-price
- :52-week-high-price
- :volume
- :last-trade-size
- :market-cap-realtime
- :shares-outstanding
- :book-value
- :ebitda
- :pe-ratio-realtime
This library is very usable but still could use a little TLC. I'm hoping to have the following added shortly.
- Allow getting more than one stock in a single request
- Better error handling
Copyright © 2016 Matthew Siemens
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.