
LDAP backed file system

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An LDAP backed file system.

This is a small Fuse based file system written using fuse-python and python-ldap. It allows you to mount an LDAP hierarchy as a set of files and directories on disk. It is most useful for examining an existing hierarchy.

This is pre 1.0 code. It works but is read only and is very inefficient. Basic caching is next on the agenda, then write support.

I use this solely for development purposes. It has never been used in production

A brief overview:

  • Multiple LDAP servers with multiple base DNs can be mounted under one mountpoint.

  • LDAP objects are represented as directories with child objects as sub-directories.

  • Object attributes are represented as files within their object's directory.

  • The name of an attribute file is the same as the attribute name

  • The contents of the file is a single line, starting with the attribute name, followed by an "=" character, followed by the attribute value, ending with a "\n" character attribute. If the object is multi-valued each attribute value will be present separated by a "," character.

  • The size of an attribute file reported to the file system includes size for the "=" and "\n" characters in addition to the name and value pair.

  • Each directory contains a special ".attributes" file. The file contains one line for each attribute of that directory's LDAP object. The format of each line is the same as the attribute file.


The package is not yet on pypi. To install clone this repository and install with the following:

# git clone git://github.com/lad/ldapfs.git
# cd ldapfs
# python setup.py install


The configuration file in install-dir/etc/ldapfs.cfg is used to specify the LDAP servers, credentials and base DNs to mount.

log_file = /var/log//ldapfs.log
# Uncomment to log to stdout
# log_file = -
log_format = %%(funcName)s() - %%(message)s
log_levels = root:error, ldapfs:error
ldap_trace_level = 0

[LDAP Server 1]
host = opendj.example.com
port = 389
bind_dn = cn=Directory Manager
bind_password = password
# The base DNs should be each be listed within double-quotes (") and be separated by one or more spaces
base_dns = "cn=schema" "cn=monitor" "cn=config" "cn=backups" "cn=admin data" "cn=tasks" "cn=ads-truststore"

[LDAP Server 2]
host = openldap.example.com
port = 389
bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=dunne,dc=ie
bind_password = password
base_dns = "dc=dunne,dc=ie"


To mount the file system:

# install-dir/bin/ldapfsd -o config=install-dir/etc/ldapfs.cfg <mountpoint>

To unmount:

# fusermount -u <mountpoint>