
Simple generic NodeJS server boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple generic NodeJS server boilerplate that includes

  • ExpressJS
  • endpoints for proxying requests (reverse proxy) - includes common HTTP requests and WebSockets as well
  • endpoint for SSE messaging
  • logging
  • sample Redis client
  • pm2 process manager
  • dockerfile to build a new docker image

How to run locally

$ npm install
$ npm start

How to run with PM2

$ sudo npm install -g pm2 
$ npm install
$ npm run-script startpm2

Some useful commands

  • $ pm2 monit to display monitoring information
  • $ pm2 list to list running apps
  • $ pm2 desc [ID] to display information about particular instance
  • $ pm2 delete all to stop and delete all apps
  • $ pm2 restart all to restart all apps
  • $ pm2 web expose metrics on port 9615

How to run as a docker container

$ docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= -t ladariha/frontendserver .
$ docker run -p 8181:8181 -d ladariha/frontendserver

How to run as a docker container with PM2

$ docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= -t ladariha/frontendserver .
$ docker run -p 8181:8181 -p 9615:9615 -d ladariha/frontend
$ docker exec -i -t [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash
$ docker rm -rf [CONTAINER_ID]