
Server-side rendering for Om Next components

Primary LanguageHTMLEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

cellophane Circle CI

Server-side rendering for Om Next components

Note: as of Om #764, server-side rendering support landed in Om, which makes this repository deprecated.



Leiningen dependency information:

Clojars Project

Maven dependency information:


Note: requires Om 1.0.0-alpha32 or later.


Getting started

Cellophane provides a Clojure implementation of Om Next, which is just enough to get components to render server-side into an HTML string that can be picked up by React on the browser.

If you want to take full advantage of server-side rendering, you need to:

  1. Port your component code to .cljc
  2. Port your client parser code to .cljc
  3. Require Cellophane in the :clj branches of your namespaces, as shown below.
  4. Use a different send function in the Cellophane reconciler. Here's an example for projects using the Om Next parser server-side.
(ns my-project.core
  (:require #?@(:cljs [[om.next :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
                       [om.dom :as dom]]
                :clj  [[cellophane.next :as om :refer [defui]]
                       [cellophane.dom :as dom]])))

Rendering components server-side

Server-side rendering your components is very similar to what one would do in Om Next.

Simple case (no reconciler)

The simplest case is to feed dom/render-to-str a component instance created with a factory. Here's an example:

(ns my-project.core
  (:require [cellophane.next :as om :refer [defui]]
            [cellophane.dom :as dom]))

(defui SimpleComponent
  (render [this]
    (dom/div nil "Hello, world!")))

(def simple-factory (om/factory SimpleComponent))

(dom/render-to-str (simple-factory))
;; => "<div data-reactroot=\"\" data-reactid=\"1\" data-react-checksum=\"1632637923\">Hello, world!</div>"

Full-blown case

The full-blown case is shown below, and includes parser and reconciler code. The following code is directly taken from the Om Next Quick Start.

A full stack TodoMVC example with server-side rendering can be found in fullstack_example.

(def animals-app-state
    {:app/title "Animals"
     [[1 "Ant"] [2 "Antelope"] [3 "Bird"] [4 "Cat"] [5 "Dog"]
      [6 "Lion"] [7 "Mouse"] [8 "Monkey"] [9 "Snake"] [10 "Zebra"]]}))

(defmulti animals-read (fn [env key params] key))

(defmethod animals-read :default
  [{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
  (let [st @state]
    (if-let [[_ value] (find st key)]
      {:value value}
      {:value :not-found})))

(defmethod animals-read :animals/list
  [{:keys [state] :as env} key {:keys [start end]}]
  {:value (subvec (:animals/list @state) start end)})

(defui AnimalsList
  static cellophane/IQueryParams
  (params [this]
    {:start 0 :end 10})
  static cellophane/IQuery
  (query [this]
    '[:app/title (:animals/list {:start ?start :end ?end})])
  (render [this]
    (let [{:keys [app/title animals/list]} (cellophane/props this)]
      (dom/div nil
        (dom/h2 nil title)
        (apply dom/ul nil
            (fn [[i name]]
              (dom/li nil (str i ". " name)))

(def animals-reconciler
    {:state animals-app-state
     :parser (cellophane/parser {:read animals-read})}))

;; Server-side rendering:
(def component (cellophane/add-root! animals-reconciler AnimalsList nil))

(dom/render-to-str component)

;; => "<div data-reactroot=\"\" data-reactid=\"1\" data-react-checksum=\"-1712681713\">
;;       <h2 data-reactid=\"2\">Animals</h2>
;;       <ul data-reactid=\"3\">
;;         <li data-reactid=\"4\">1. Ant</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"5\">2. Antelope</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"6\">3. Bird</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"7\">4. Cat</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"8\">5. Dog</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"9\">6. Lion</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"10\">7. Mouse</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"11\">8. Monkey</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"12\">9. Snake</li>
;;         <li data-reactid=\"13\">10. Zebra</li>
;;       </ul>
;;     </div>"


Requiring Cellophane components

Because Cellophane's defui generates Clojure records (which under the hood are Java classes), :requireing other namespaces is not enough to use those components. Using :import is also required, as demonstrated below:

(ns my-ns
  (:require [other.ns :as other])
  (:import [other.ns Component]))

This is only required until version 0.2.5. Om Next components are now generated as plain Clojure functions which can be :required and :refered by their name.

Getting a component instance's class / type

Because Cellophane component classes are plain Clojure functions which reify some protocols, calling class on a component instance won't return the actual component, but the anonymous class created by Clojure's reify. Use cellophane/react-type (which is also present in Om Next's public API) to get the actual component class.

Custom functions under the special Object protocol

Because JavaScript environments support adding arbitrary methods to an object's prototype, it's possible in ClojureScript to define methods not in protocols under the special Object protocol. This is, however, not possible in JVM Clojure. As such, Cellophane only supports React's lifecycle methods defined under the Object protocol.

;; this is only supported in ClojureScript
(defui MyComponent
  (some-function [this]

Copyright & License

Copyright © 2016 Ladder Financial, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE).

Contains adapted code from the following projects: