
Dotnet Tool helps to visualiza GRPC requests and responses

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This tool is under development.

Getting Started

Install the tool with dotnet CLI:

dotnet tool install LaDeak.GrpcProxy --global --version 0.0.3

Run the tool

grpcproxy --p:ProtoPath .\\SuperService.proto --p:Address https://localhost:5001

A web UI is available at https://localhost:7012.

Run the tool without a proto file

grpcproxy --GrpcProxy:FallbackAddress https://localhost:5001


  • --p:ProtoPath [optional] defines a default proto file to use
  • --p:Address [optional] defines where the proxy service shall forward the requests
  • --p:SeqAddress [optional] if logs shall be pushes to SEQ
  • --p:SeqKey [optional] SEQ API key

Response Mocking

Response mocking is only supported for GRPC calls with proto file configured. Set one or multiple (by incrementing the counter 0) mock messages for responses. When RPC call is streaming response or duplex only a single message is returned to the called.

  • --p:MockResponses:0:MethodName [Name Of The Method To Mock] - defines the RPC's method name to mock
  • --p:MockResponses:0:Response "{\"Message\":\"This is a mocked response\"}" - JsonSerialized string value of the mocked data

Grpc-DotNet Subtree

Grpc-DotNet is a subtree in this repository. Pull latest with the following command:

git checkout master
git subtree pull --prefix grpc-dotnet https://github.com/grpc/grpc-dotnet.git master --squash


The tool uses dotnet dev certificates that are installed with .NET SDK. If the certificates are not yet trusted run the following command:

dotnet dev-certs https --trust