
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kwitter API

Basic setup for local development

  • fork this repo
  • git clone to your local computer then cd kwitter-api
  • setup your database:
    • createdb kwitter (you must have postgresql installed to have this command)
  • create your .env file:
    • cp .env.example .env
  • edit the .env file to look like:
  • From the command line, type npm install

  • From the command line, type node index.js or nodemon index.js

    confirm that the api is working locally by making a request to GET localhost:3000/messages

    note: visiting localhost:3000 will take you to a swagger/openapi documentation page for the available api endpoints.

    Basic setup for deploying to heroku

  • Create your heorku app from the commandline: heroku create your-api-name

  • Setup a postgres database addon for your heroku app: heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql

  • Confirm that a DATABASE_URL variable was added to your heroku app: heroku config

  • Setup your config variable for the JWT_SECRET for your heroku app: heroku config:set JWT_SECRET=whateveryouwant

  • Setup yuor config variable for GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET for yur heroku app: heroku config:set GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=whateveryouwant && heroku config:set GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=whateveryouwant

  • Push code to your heroku app: git push heroku master

  • Run heroku logs --tail to watch logs in real-time to confirm that the status of the app has started up successfully

  • Open your app with heroku open -- this should automatically take you to the openapi documentation page which lists all the server endpoints.

  • For more help, refer to this guide https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs as well as other Heroku docs for more information on adjusting config vars and adding a postgres db on Heroku