
new repo

MIT LicenseMIT


There are two ways to extend users in Django: the "profile" method and a custom user. We've already used the profile method for our first project, so now we'll cover the custom user.

This project is simply about implementing a custom user from the ground up so that you can use it in the next assignment.

Your Task

Extend your custom user field so that it has the following nullable field:

  • Displayname (Charfield)

Implement your own

  • Signup page
  • Login page (do NOT use Django's built-in login view)
  • Homepage that is only accessible when logged in

The homepage should show:

  • the username of the person who is logged in
  • the displayname of the person who is logged in
  • the output the value of settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL

NOTE: DO NOT name any part of your app "user" -- it will have conflict with the built-in user model and give you all sorts of errors that are really difficult to debug if you don't know what you're looking for. Use "custom_user", "myuser", "dudewheresmyuser"... literally anything but "user" will work.

Extra Credit (2 points)

Extend your custom user field so that it has the following nullable fields:

  • Homepage (URLField)
  • Age (IntegerField)

Extra Credit (1 point)

(this is the hard part) Make the custom fields appear on the admin panel and available for editing.

Extra Credit (1 point)

1 additional bonus point if you make the superuser command ask for their age.


  • Push to the main branch
  • Submit the link to your repo