
Built-in VS Code extensions for Theia

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


This extension contributes built-in VS Code extensions to Eclipse Theia applications.

Open in Gitpod

Getting started (locally)

Install nvm.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.5/install.sh | bash

Install npm and node.

nvm install 12
nvm use 12

Install yarn.

npm install -g yarn

Install vscode.

cd vscode-builtin-extensions
git submodule init
git submodule update

Install vscode prerequisite dependencies.


Pick a specific vscode version (optional)

cd <repo root>/vscode
git checkout 1.45.0



Running the browser example

yarn start:browser

Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.

Running the Electron example

yarn start:electron

Developing with the browser example

Start watching of vscode-builtin-extensions.

cd vscode-builtin-extensions
yarn watch

Start watching of the browser example.

yarn rebuild:browser
cd browser-app
yarn watch

Launch Start Browser Backend configuration from VS code.

Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.

Developing with the Electron example

Start watching of vscode-builtin-extensions.

cd vscode-builtin-extensions
yarn watch

Start watching of the electron example.

yarn rebuild:electron
cd electron-app
yarn watch

Launch Start Electron Backend configuration from VS code.

Publishing vscode-builtin-extensions to npm

If required, step the extension's version in src/publish.js

// bump to publish
let version = '0.2.1';

Create a npm user and login to the npm registry, more on npm publishing.

npm login

Publish packages with lerna to update versions properly across local packages, more on publishing with lerna.

npx lerna publish

Packaging vscode-builtin-extensions as individual .vsix

The version of the packaged built-ins is taken from VS Code's package.json and adjusted automatically when packaging a next revision.

Latest / solid revision example:

cd vscode; git checkout 1.45.0; cd ..
yarn; yarn package-vsix:latest

Next / interim revision example:

cd vscode; git checkout d69a79b73808559a91206d73d7717ff5f798f23c; cd ..
yarn; yarn package-vsix:next

The generated .vsix will be under folder ./dist

Publishing vscode-builtin-extensions to open-vsx

The ovsx client is used to publish to an open-vsx registry. By default https://open-vsx.org is used. To use another open-vsx registry, set its URL in environment variable OVSX_REGISTRY_URL. Use enviromnent variable OVSX_PAT to store the personal access token obtained from the registry.

After packaging the extensions as .vsix (see above), you may examine/test them under folder dist. Remove any that you do not wish to be published (e.g. those not working well). When ready proceed with publishing:

yarn publish:vsix

Re-publishing vscode-builtin-extensions to open-vsx

Solid version

There is a GH action to help: publish-vsx-specific-latest. For this to work, the version to be published needs to be removed from open-vsx. Then one must push to branch ovsx-publish. Make sure the wanted solid version of the vscode git submodule is checked-out in the pushed change. We do not care about that branch - once publish is done, it can be reset the next time.

Intermediary (next) version

There is a GH action to help: publish-vsx-specific-next. For this to work, the version to be published needs to be removed from open-vsx. Then one must push to branch ovsx-publish-next. Make sure the wanted intermediary version of the vscode git submodule is checked-out in the pushed change. We do not care about that branch - once publish is done, it can be reset the next time.



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